Wednesday, April 21, 2021



Le roman de Patrice Lacombe, La Terre paternelle, écrit en 1846, raconte l’histoire de Chauvin, un fermier qui perd sa terre après qu’il tombe en dette. Dans ce roman, Lacombe donne une description précise de la migration des Canadiens aux villes.

Selon cet extrait, quels défis Chauvin a-t-il rencontré?

PENSER CRITIQUEMENT: Comment la tendance décrite ici affecte le nombre d’emplois disponible en villes?

Monday, March 29, 2021

Energy drink: volume evaluation

Picture a pop can. Pop cans are generally all the same shape and have the same general dimensions.  

Over the past two to three decades, energy drinks have risen in popularity. When you think of an energy drink can, it is likely easy to picture. However, despite containing the same amount of liquid as a pop can and having the same cylindrical shape, the can you imagined probably had distinctly different dimensions. The dimensions of a pop can have a surprisingly significant impact on both sales and profit. Why do you think energy drinks tend to be longer and narrower?


You design it!
Imagine that you have been tasked with creating a new healthy energy drink. You are responsible for naming the drink and designing the can. The can needs to be able to hold 355mL of liquid. To add extra space for air in the can, the volume needs to be 360 cubic centimeters. You are responsible for designing the dimensions of the can. Choose the radius first and then solve for the accompanying height. Use 3.14 as a value for π. Once you've got your dimensions, create a graphic design for your can that will make it attractive to buyers. 


Math: Your final product should demonstrate your understanding of volume, including the dimensions and the work related to solving for the dimensions. 

Media: Your can design should be to scale (the same size as the actual can) and demonstrate effort and consideration in design. You want your can to sell, sell, sell!

WARNING! Energy drinks should not be consumed by teens. See the following infographic to see what happens 24 hours after drinking an energy drink. 

Sunday, March 14, 2021

Decoder une image


Analyser une infographie


Dessine un organigramme comme celui-ci et répond aux questions trouvées en dedans.

Quelles sont les questions que tu te poses encore à propos du sujet présenté?

What do you notice, what do you wonder?

 Dragon Dwellers – Amazin’ Walter and William Lloyds entry in the Tournament of Sand Sculpting Champions at Harrison Hot Springs, British Columbia, Canada. Photo #1 by © Amazin Walter

Dragon Dwellers – Amazin’ Walter and William Lloyds entry in the Tournament of Sand Sculpting Champions at Harrison Hot Springs, British Columbia, Canada. Photo #1 by © Amazin Walter



Décoder le message.

Chaque lettre dans la phrase a été remplacée au hasard avec un numéro. Essaie de décoder le message. 

Thursday, March 11, 2021

Egalite des genres


Pourquoi l’égalité des genres est-elle importante et comment pouvons-nous continuer à la faire progresser?

Que serait le Canada aujourd’hui si les femmes n’avaient pas obtenu le droit de vote? Quels autres droits pourraient être touchés?

Comment les hommes et les garçons peuvent-ils contribuer à une plus grande égalité des genres?

Sunday, February 28, 2021

Surface area practice and word problems

Solve the following problems using the formula for surface area. Do not forget to show your work, round to the nearest tenth, and include the unit of measure. Word problems require a concluding statement. Use 3.14 for π.

What is the surface area of the cylinder on the left?

Yasamin put a circular fence around her roses so they would not get trampled by her dog. She put a fence around the roses that was 3 metres across, and 2 metres high. How much material did she use to make her fence?

Fallon and Abbie each have a can of pop. Fallon’s can has a diameter of 6 inches and a height of 8 inches. Abbie’s can has a diameter of 8 inches and a height of 6 inches. Whose cylinder has a larger surface area?

John wants to make a cylindrical case that will fit a bass drum with a height of 32 cm and a diameter of 60 cm. What is the surface area of the case?

The lateral area of a cylinder is 94.2 cm squared. The height is 6cm. What is the radius of the cylinder?

Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Area of a sector questions

Find the area of each sector given the radius and the angle measure. Round to the nearest hundredth as needed. Do the math in your math notebook. Show ALL of your work (start with the formula and include all steps).

1. 45° angle with a radius of 3 meters.

2. 55° angle with a radius of 4 mm

3. 60° angle with a diameter of 5 cm

4. 43° angle with a diameter of 6 m

5. 70° angle with a radius of 2 km.

Etablir un objectif avant la lecture