Sunday, January 20, 2019

Assessing Situations and Developing Strategies to Avoid Potential Dangers

HPE 1.5, C2.2 Critical and Creative Thinking Skills to Assess Situations for Danger
Uses critical and creative thinking skills to help them demonstrate the ability to assess situations for potential dangers and apply strategies to avoid them
Language 2.1-2.6 - Speaking to Communicate Effectively:
  • Uses an appropriately loud and clear voice;
  • speaks with accuracy, fluency, and intonation
  • uses eye contact and body language to promote communicative effectiveness

You will also be assessed on group collaboration skills

TASK: Assess your assigned scenario for potential dangers. Present a skit that demonstrates strategies developed by the group to avoid those potential dangers.

-With your partner/group mates assess the situation for potential dangers and develop a list of strategies that would help to avoid those dangers. Next, develop a skit that introduces the situation and presents the strategy/strategies you discussed.

Scenario 1 You’re babysitting your three little brothers and they want to go to the playground down the street. What do you do? (4 students)

Scenario 2 You’re supposed to get a ride home with your older brother’s friend Eric from the party you’ve all been at, and it’s gone way later than you thought. It’s really dark, and Eric just barely got his license. You’re also not sure if he’s been drinking, because other people have. What do you do? (2 students)

Scenario 3 While playing ice hockey after school some kids from another team keep intentionally tripping and bumping into you. The referee isn’t calling anything. You overhear one player saying he wants to fight. What do you do? (4 students)

Scenario 4 Your friends are not happy with one of the girls in your group. She hasn’t been very nice, and they’ve decided to exclude her, and are making mean comments about her whenever she’s in earshot. What do you do? (4 students)

Scenario 6 Your sister tells you her friend Jenn is really into you, even though she’s much older. You’ve heard she smokes pot at the lunch break but you’re not sure if it’s true or not. Either way, you’re not comfortable with dating Julie, but you know she’s popular. What do you do? (2 students)

Scenario 7 Your grade 8 prom is coming up and your friends are all going artificial tanning. What do you do? (3 students)

Scenario 5 Your 2 1⁄2 year-old sister is always active. When it’s dinner time, rather than sitting to eat, she’ll often run and jump around the house while eating and chewing. What do you do? (2 students)

Scenario 8 You’re at a party, and your friend’s parents are nowhere to be found. It’s fun, but it seems like it might be getting out of hand when two girls you don’t know break into the liquor cabinet and start to mix drinks. What do you do? (3 students)

Scenario 9 You need to get the little boy you’re babysitting ready for bed. He needs a bath, and just before he’s ready to get out, the phone rings. What do you do? (2 students)

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